Professional Articles
Our attorney believes that, to be a lawyer, one must first be a scholar. Mr. McPherson publishes several professional papers every year on environmental law, practice management, mental health care for attorneys, and other important topics. This effort is beneficial to his clients because he often works through the issues in a more objective manner and sees all sides of the issue before a client provides a specific situation.
Below are some of the professional papers and articles Mr. McPherson has written.
- Sandbranch Case Study: Legal Issues with Financing Infrastructure in Economically Distressed Areas (2020)
- WOTUS and Other Selected Circa 2020 Hot Environmental Issues (2020)
- Private Participation Agreements Between Developers for Utility Infrastructure (2019)
- Impact of Real Estate Law, and Oil and Gas Law, on the Development of Water Law (2019)
- Autopsy of the Nov. 2018 Prestonwood Dam Failure: Lessons for Real Estate Lawyers
- from the Development Documents (2018)
- SCOTX Recognizes Groundwater as a Dominant Estate Along with Minerals; What’s a Landowner to do? (2018)
- Conflicts of Interest in the Water World (2018)
- Incorporating Stock Tanks, Dams, and Wetlands Into Suburban Sprawl (2018)
- Responding to TCEQ Enforcement: Respondent’s Perspective (2018)
- Modern Trends in Retainer Agreements (2018)
- Statutory Notices: Incorporating a CLE Paper Into Real Estate Sales Forms (2018)
- Navigating the Muddy Waters of Environmental Investigations in Land Use (2017)
- A Glimpse into the post -Coyote Lake Ranch Application of Oil & Gas Law to the Groundwater Estate (2017)
- From Droughts to Flood: Currents in Water Law (2016)
- Templates of Issues in Groundwater Transactions: Landowner Perspective (2016)
- Here But for the Grace of God Go You: Why the Texas Lawyers Creed Matters to You (2016-17)
- Redefining Agency Jurisdiction Under the Clean Water Act (2014)
- Water Transaction Issues: Negotiating and Structuring the Deal (2014)
- The New Basics of Texas Water Law (2014)
- Water Law in the Oil Patch (2012)
- The Ebb and Flow of Water Law circa 2012: an Update (2012)
- My Experience With Social Media: Drafting the Content (2012)
- GMA Joint Planning in the Real World Circa 2012 After SB 660 (2012)
- My Experience with Social Media: An Autobiography (2012)
- Water Use and Water Law in Texas from an Oil and Gas Perspective (2012)
- Frac Water: An Update on Supplies and Safety (2011)
- The Ethical Art of Contract Drafting: Water Contracts Illustrate Lessons For All (2011)
- Frac Me With This: The Challenges of Obtaining Water for Production (2010)
- Standard Commercial Lease Environmental Terms Are Not What They Appear; A Better Approach (2010)
- Interplay Between Groundwater Districts And Oil And Gas Production Areas (2010)
- The 81st Legislature’s Environmental And Water Law Legacy (2009)
- Don’t Hand Me No Lines And Keep Your GCD Hands To Yourself (2009, Rev. 2011)
- The Metroplex Is At The Water’s Edge; Let The Wars Begin (2008, Rev. 2009)
- Top 10 New Laws Interesting For All The Wrong Reasons (2008)
- Water Law In The 80th Legislature And Looking Forward To The 81st (2008)
- From The Pink Dome: The Top 10 New Dirt(y) Laws (2007)
- The 79th Legislature’s Water Law Legacy [WITH SELECTED FORMS] (2006)
- What Every Texas Lawyer Should Know About Texas Water Law As Of 1-1-06 (2005)